30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 y 100: motivos obvios.
31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97: son primos!!
32: es una potencia de 2.
36, 49, 64, 81: son cuadrados perfectos.
39, 69, 99: no son primos pero son el último de una década, con lo cual también tiene su gracia.
33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88: los múltiplos de 11 en sí ya son chulos.
El resto de años desde los 30 a los 100 (que es lo que me queda de vida porque a los 100 me desintegraré espontáneamente) no tienen mucho de especial y, cuando me toque, me dará un poco de pereza cumplirlos, pero precisamente por ser del grupo de los no-especiales ya tienen algo de especial, digo yo. Además, seguro que indagando se saca algo bueno hasta para pares insulsos como el 34 o el 68. Si el que no se consuela es porque no quiere!
33 is the largest number that is not a sum of distinct triangular numbers.
34 is the smallest number with the property that it and its neighbors have the same number of divisors.
35 is the number of hexominoes.
36 is the smallest non-trivial number which is both square and triangular.
37 is the maximum number of 5th powers needed to sum to any number.
38 is the last Roman numeral when written lexicographically.
39 is the smallest number which has 3 different partitions into 3 parts with the same product.
40 is the only number whose letters are in alphabetical order.
41 is a value of n so that x2 + x + n takes on prime values for x = 0, 1, 2, ... n-2.
42 is the 5th Catalan number.
43 is the number of sided 7-iamonds.
44 is the number of derangements of 5 items.
45 is a Kaprekar number.
46 is the number of different arrangements (up to rotation and reflection) of 9 non-attacking queens on a 9×9 chessboard.
47 is the largest number of cubes that cannot tile a cube.
48 is the smallest number with 10 divisors.
49 is the smallest number with the property that it and its neighbors are squareful.
50 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of of 2 squares in 2 ways.
51 is the 6th Motzkin number.
52 is the 5th Bell number.
53 is the only two digit number that is reversed in hexadecimal.
54 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of 3 squares in 3 ways.
55 is the largest triangular number in the Fibonacci sequence.
56 is the number of reduced 5×5 Latin squares.
57 = 111 in base 7.
58 is the number of commutative semigroups of order 4.
59 is the number of stellations of an icosahedron.
60 is the smallest number divisible by 1 through 6.
61 is the 3rd secant number.
62 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of of 3 distinct squares in 2 ways.
63 is the number of partially ordered sets of 5 elements.
64 is the smallest number with 7 divisors.
65 is the smallest number that becomes square if its reverse is either added to or subtracted from it.
66 is the number of 8-iamonds.
67 is the smallest number which is palindromic in bases 5 and 6.
68 is the 2-digit string that appears latest in the decimal expansion of π.
69 has the property that n2 and n3 together contain each digit once.
70 is the smallest weird number.
71 divides the sum of the primes less than it.
72 is the maximum number of spheres that can touch another sphere in a lattice packing in 6 dimensions.
73 is the smallest multi-digit number which is one less than twice its reverse.
74 is the number of different non-Hamiltonian polyhedra with a minimum number of vertices.
75 is the number of orderings of 4 objects with ties allowed.
76 is an automorphic number.
77 is the largest number that cannot be written as a sum of distinct numbers whose reciprocals sum to 1.
78 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of of 4 distinct squares in 3 ways.
79 is a permutable prime.
80 is the smallest number n where n and n+1 are both products of 4 or more primes.
81 is the square of the sum of its digits.
82 is the number of 6-hexes.
83 is the number of strongly connected digraphs with 4 vertices.
84 is the largest order of a permutation of 14 elements.
85 is the largest n for which 12+22+32+ ... +n2 = 1+2+3+ ... +m has a solution.
86 = 222 in base 6.
87 is the sum of the squares of the first 4 primes.
88 is the only number known whose square has no isolated digits.
89 = 81 + 92
90 is the number of degrees in a right angle.
91 is the smallest pseudoprime in base 3.
92 is the number of different arrangements of 8 non-attacking queens on an 8×8 chessboard.
93 = 333 in base 5.
94 is a Smith number.
95 is the number of planar partitions of 10.
96 is the smallest number that can be written as the difference of 2 squares in 4 ways.
97 is the smallest number with the property that its first 3 multiples contain the digit 9.
98 is the smallest number with the property that its first 5 multiples contain the digit 9.
99 is a Kaprekar number.
100 is the smallest square which is also the sum of 4 consecutive cubes.